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Medicare GADCS Reporting Help

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Medicare GADCS Reporting Help

The Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System (GADCS) is a new reporting requirement for ground ambulance organizations. The data collected through GADCS will be used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to evaluate the cost of ground ambulance services and make recommendations for future payment rates.

When your EMS agency is required to report for the GADCS, you may be feeling overwhelmed. The GADCS data collection instrument is complex and time-consuming to complete. You may also be concerned about making sure that your data is as accurate and complete as possible.

We can help! We are a team of experienced consultants who specialize in GADCS reporting. We can help you understand the GADCS requirements, collect the necessary data, and submit your reports on time and accurately on your behalf.

We offer a variety of services to help you with your GADCS reporting, including:

  • GADCS training
  • GADCS data collection
  • GADCS report review and submission
  • GADCS compliance assistance

We are committed to helping you succeed with your GADCS reporting and ensuring all CMS requirements are met.


  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Reduced risk of errors and penalties
  • Improved compliance with CMS regulations
  • Increased accuracy of your GADCS data
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